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Our Goal . . .

is to help you provide a rich musical environment for your child, regardless of your own musical background. Mulberry Bush Music and Movement will help promote:



We will immerse ourselves . . .

in the joy of music and movement as we learn songs, rhymes, chants, and bounces, move to music ranging from classical to swing, and listen to the lilt and cadence of children's poetry and literature. Using our voices, bodies, and kid-friendly instruments, we will explore tempo, tone, pitch, and rhythm. Puppets, scarves, and other playful materials will help heighten the learning experience.

Classes will be organized by themes with a balance of repetition and variety. Take-home materials will be suitable for you and your child to explore in your own way. You need not be experienced with music, just open to musical play and willing to share your voice as a way to bond and intimately communicate with your child.



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